GOAL – Honduras
Young people play a critical role in building community resilience to hazards in San Pedro Sula and El Progreso, Honduras.
GOAL – Honduras
GOAL – Honduras specialise in innovative solutions in community resilience, early warning systems and response.
In El Progreso, 18 young volunteers are part of the Youth Brigades, a group organised and trained in disaster risk management and early warning and action systems. These brigades work with community organisations such as the patronatos and the Comités de Emergencia Local (CODELE), as well as the Comité de Emergencias Municipal (CODEM), providing support in the prevention and response to emergencies in their areas.
Brigadistas have received training in key activities such as evacuation, fire control, and fire extinguisher handling, making them a vital resource for the protection of their communities.

A Youth Brigade established by GOAL – Honduras
The slightly larger San Pedro Sula’s youth brigade, composed of 21 boys and girls, has also benefitted from similar training. In the dramatic photo below, one of the brigade members is shown using a fire extinguisher and putting out a fire during a session delivered by the Honduran Fire Department, reinforcing their knowledge in evacuation, fire control and fire extinguisher handling.
The training provided and the creation of the brigades form part of the Barrio Resiliente project, developed with funding from USAID’s Humanitarian Aid Bureau to support community organizations and local emergency committees in preventing and responding to emergencies – strengthening community resilience in the face of disasters.
From awareness to action, young people lead the way in pushing for climate and disaster resilience. This story and photograph is a part of our celebration of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024. Members from across our network have shared their stories of youth-led or focussed resilience work. It demonstrates that young people are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the changemakers today, driving forward local actions that build resilience to disasters and reduce risk.
All photos: GOAL – Honduras