
HLPF 2024 update: day two

10 July 2024


During HLPF 2024, GNDR is in New York representing civil society, advocating for our members’ call to action messages and supporting Sendai stakeholders in integrating disaster risk reduction into the sustainable development goals. 

Becky Murphy, GNDR’s Policy Lead and Marcos Concepcion Raba, GNDR’s Executive Director, are in New York and will be sharing an HLPF GNDR members briefing throughout the week.

These are the key messages coming from the first day’s key sessions:

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Our Agenda:

  • 7am: Briefing meeting with GNDR member
  • 8:30am: MGoS briefing session
  • 10am – 1pm: High Level Session: SDG 1 Eradicating Poverty
  • 2pm: Briefing meeting with our Board representative Sophie Rigg
  • 3pm – 6pm: SDG 2: Zero Hunger

Briefing sessions:

  • At 7am, Marcos, Becky and José Ramón Ávila met to prepare for the morning high level session where José has been invited to speak from the floor
  • At 8:30am we joined the MGoS briefing where we shared our side event on Thursday and invited the wider MGoS to join

High Level Session: SDG 1: No Poverty

  • The morning’s focus is on stocktaking progress of eradicating poverty
  • Here a key message is shared: not enough progress has been made
  • “Poverty still has the face of the women”. Gender inequality is still reinforcing and perpetuating poverty. This is unacceptable and gender equality must be prioritised and pushed forward, not only as the right thing to do for equality but as a crucial element of tackling poverty 
  • 7% of the global population are set to still live in extreme poverty by 2030
  • Today, over half of the global population live in poverty and the trajectory states that it will take three decades to address this. This is unacceptable
  • We owe solutions to those living in poverty
  • Three things were listed as critical to get us back on track to eradicate poverty (1) inclusive economic growth is the only way to sustain poverty reduction (2) invest in the provision of basic service and the productive capacity of those at the bottom of the income system. So education, health, employment for the poorest. (3) We must ensure the efforts are compatible with efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. We need to create a planet that is more livable. This goes beyond climate to fragility and conflict too. 
  • The poverty, prosperity and planet report will elaborate on this. 
  • We should be deeply concerned with the lack of progress made
  • You cannot separate poverty and violence/ conflict

GNDR’s big moment for the day:

  • GNDR member José Ramón Ávila was invited to make an intervention from the floor, representing stakeholders. Here he asked member states if they are ready, willing and have the capacity to actually listen to the community, sharing the importance of starting at the local community level perspective. 
  • José gave examples from Honduras and highlighted again, the need to meaningfully tackle gender inequality, sharing local, lived experience of poverty still having the face of the women, which is unacceptable. 
  • Jose’s statement called for us to find solutions together and fight the causes of poverty such as conflict and gender inequality.
  • José’s full statement will be submitted officially to the HLPF and be available on GNDR’s website in the coming days for you to see
  • We are so proud to have José as our member, representing the network at our highest level space of the week!
  • Back to the panel, the session closed highlighting the importance of multilateralism. The only way in which we are to eradicate poverty is through working together. No one state can do it alone. 
The GNDR team at HLPF: Marcos Conception Raba, Sophie Rigg, José Ramón Ávila, Becky Murphy, Terry Otieno


Afternoon High Level Session: SDG 2 Zero Hunger

  • The afternoon high level session focused on eradicating hunger
  • Again highlighting the interconnectedness of conflict, poverty, climate change and hunger 
  • The chair highlighted that the interconnected and often mutually reinforcing challenges and drivers, including conflict, climate change and climate extremes, uneven recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, economic slowdown and downturns, as well as growing structural inequalities, among other factors, all undermine progress on SDG 2.
  • In 2022, between 691 and 783 million people faced hunger 
  • Additionally, 2.4 billion people were moderately to severely food insecure. In addition to the scourge of hunger and food insecurity, policymakers must also confront the environmental impact of unsustainable agrifood systems.
  • This is unacceptable and is undermining our SDG progress
  • The session called on member states and all stakeholders to understand that in order to address these and other related challenges in food security and nutrition, governments and their partners must commit to a systems approach, taking integrated action across a range of relevant sectors, and engaging diverse stakeholders

More information

  • To see the full HLPF 2024 programme and learn more about the SDGs you can visit the official HLPF website, under ECOSOC here: 
  • You can follow all of the high level sessions on the UN web TV
  • Are you at HLPF? To connect with us this year or find out more about our policy work you can email Becky Murphy, our head of policy at: rebecca.murphy[at] 

Download briefing in Spanish


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