Discover the key success factors to reduce the risks faced by displaced people and learn from real world examples
The Making Displacement Safer Cookbook sets out the main approaches and key ingredients needed to successfully reduce disaster risks for displaced people living in urban areas.
Based on the experiences of civil society organisations working in 11 countries, the resource aims to strengthen the capacities of NGOs and grassroots organisations.
10 best practice ‘ingredients’ have been identified and eight case studies – in the form of ‘recipes’ – demonstrate how they have been put into practice.
In advocating for the replication of the ingredients, the cookbook can also be used as a tool by civil society to influence national policies and practice on displacement.
The publication has been produced by GNDR as part of our three-year Making Displacement Safer project funded by the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.
Recipes for making displacement safer
The following recipes combine the ingredients presented in this cookbook to make displaced communities safer, enhance their resilience, find durable solutions and reduce the likelihood of secondary displacement. While some of the stories may utilise the same ingredients, local contexts respond to the varied needs of local communities.
Project funded by
United States Agency for International Development

Our Making Displacement Safer project and this Cookbook has been made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. Content related to this project on our website was made possible by the support of the USAID. All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the USAID.
Visit their websiteAcknowledgements
This cookbook was written by Silvi Llosa and Nicole Anschell.
GNDR acknowledges the contribution of partners to this cookbook:
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
- International Organization for Migration
The authors and GNDR acknowledge the contribution of all the GNDR member organisations who have provided input into the Making Displacement Safer project since 2020. Members who have given specific input into the development of this cookbook are:
- Capacity Building Initiative, Myanmar
- Caritas, Chile
- Comisión de Acción Social Menonita, Honduras
- Centre for Disaster Preparedness, Philippines
- Circle of Human Rights and Development, Republic of Congo
- Cruz Verde, Honduras
- Développement pour un Mieux Être, Niger
- Dynamique Des Jeunes Pour La Paix Et Le Développement Intégral, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Formal Education Network for Private Schools, Somalia
- Fundación Salvadoreña para la Promoción Social y el Desarrollo Económico, El Salvador
- Hagar International, Cambodia
- Hope Worldwide, Pakistan
- Iraqi Institution for Development, Iraq
- Instituto de Investigación, Capacitación y Desarrollo de la Mujer, El Salvador
- Janathakshan GTE Ltd, Sri Lanka
- Kothowain (Vulnerable Peoples Development Organization), Bangladesh
- Manadisaster Organisation, Rwanda
- Nariño Joven, Colombia
- National Society for Earthquake Technology, Nepal
- Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Resilience Development Initiative, Indonesia
- Root of Generations, South Sudan
- Social Services of Dominican Churches, Dominican Republic
- Sociedad Amigos del Viento meteorología ambiente desarrollo, Uruguay
- Songshoptaque, Bangladesh
- Voice of South Bangladesh, Bangladesh
- We Are A Light, Pakistan
- Winam Grassroots, Kenya