Solomon Islands

We’re working with 15 communities in the Solomon Islands to ensure that development is informed by the perspectives of people most at risk.


Random household surveys


Civil society surveys


Local government surveys

Key findings and conclusions at the national level

  • There is difference the perception of risks between the CSOs and communities, however, alcoholism is the most prioritised threat that both CSOs and communities have prioritised for the next decade
  • There is a need to collaborate with civil society organisations to increase the capacities of communities on resilience building behaviour and activities
  • Communities most at risk continue to be excluded from risk reduction activities

Surveys undertaken in the Solomon Islands

Our Views from the Frontline surveys in the Solomon Islands were undertaken in 2019.

Who was surveyed?

We surveyed 561 random households, 150 civil society organisations, 150 local government representatives, and undertook 75 community consultations.

Risk locations prioritised

We prioritised three risk areas:

  • West Guadalcanal
  • East Guadalcanal
  • Honiara

Communities surveyed

We surveyed people from 15 communities: Tiaro, Variana, Hulavu, Kokona, Kobuale, Kerekoka, Tiviale, Karaina, RenLau, Green Creek, Panatina Creek, Abira, April Valley, Fishing Village and O’ohiolaa.

“Cyclones are by far most the severe threat that always strike and damage all kinds of our belongings and properties. And it really needs donor partners and the national government to address the issue and to provide resilience and building capacity for the people.”

Lazarus Tave, Tiaro Community

Our impact

Activities undertaken in response to community-level findings and conclusions

  • Awareness generation among communities, including women and youth groups, on disaster thematic areas in order to build an understanding of local risk/threats and participation in planning processes
  • Building of evacuation centres, preparing timber bridges, and crime prevention centres to save lives during disasters and reduce crime
  • Demonstration of community level good practice on disaster management, so that residents know their role in risk reduction

Impact of activities

  • Community members will actively participate during planning, assessment, implementation, and monitoring led by the government to address disaster risks or threats
  • The preparation of safe centres will help communities to save lives during sudden-onset disaster
  • Greater awareness of DRR and the rights of community members

Our project partners in the Solomon Islands

Our Views from the Frontline programme is implemented by GNDR member organisations and partners in the country.

National coordinating organisation

  • Live and Learn Solomon Island

Partner organisations

  • Solomon Islands Development Trust
  • People with Disability Solomon Island

View all data from the Solomon Islands

You can view all our Views from the Frontline survey data using our data dashboard. You can also learn more about our methodology for selecting at-risk areas and survey respondents.

Project funded by

European Union

Our Views from the Frontline project is funded by the European Union (EU). Content related to this project on our website was made possible by the support of the EU. All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the EU.

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