
We’re working with 15 communities in Haiti to ensure that development is informed by the perspectives of people most at risk.


Random household surveys


Civil society surveys


Local government surveys

Key findings and conclusions at the national level

  • Perception of risks and access to resources for building resilience differ between stakeholders
  • There is a need to improve the engagement of communities by government and civil society organisations while assessing, planning, implementing and monitoring risk reduction activities
  • Local development is not risk-informed

Surveys undertaken in Haiti

Our Views from the Frontline surveys in Uganda were undertaken in 2019.

Who was surveyed?

We surveyed 1,796 random households, 157 civil society organisations, 151 local government representatives, and undertook 76 community consultations.

Risk locations prioritised

We prioritised four risk areas:

  • Chansolme
  • Anse-a-Foleur
  • Thomazeau
  • Bainet

Communities surveyed

We surveyed people from 15 communities: Boug de Chansolme, Lavisite, Desmarraux, Bas St.Anne, Mayance, Centre Ville, Cen tre Ville, L’Etang¸ Grand Boulage, Bas Grandou, Trou Mahot, Bras de Gauche, Bas des Gris gris, Bas de la croix and La Vallee de Bainet.

Our impact

Activities undertaken in response to community-level findings and conclusions

  • Establishment of mechanisms for the protection of water sources and water distributions systems, in order to improve accessibility of water to communities
  • Sensitisation and training of young adolescent girls about early pregnancies
  • Encouraging reforestation through training and awareness raising on the issue of climate change
  • Establishment of a network of health workers and the organisation of mobile clinics for the improvement of health and sanitation conditions

Impact of activities

  • Communities are aware of the issues of disaster risks and climate change and its impact
  • Improved behavioural change in dealing with issues of environmental protection and water management
  • Active involvement and integration of communities in the planning and actions of local government to reduce risks and threats
  • Community participants and organisations now have basic knowledge about risk management, so that their plans, actions and decisions are risk-informed
  • Communities are more aware of the risk of disasters and will be more inclined to apply the practices and techniques in order to reduce risks

Our project partners in Haiti

Our Views from the Frontline programme is implemented by GNDR member organisations and partners in the country.

National coordinating organisation

  • Tearfund

Partner organisations

  • Iniciatiative Citoyenne du Nord-Ouest pour la Démocratie et le Développement
  • Réseau National des Volontaires pour la Promotion du Développement Local en Haiti
  • Organisation pour le Developpement Communautaire de Thomazeau
  • Association de Techniciens pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture et la Protection de l’Environnement du Sud-Est
  • Fédération des Ecoles Protestantes d’Haiti

View all data from Haiti

You can view all our Views from the Frontline survey data using our data dashboard. You can also learn more about our methodology for selecting at-risk areas and survey respondents.

Project funded by

European Union

Our Views from the Frontline project is funded by the European Union (EU). Content related to this project on our website was made possible by the support of the EU. All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the EU.

View their website

Photo credit

Image by GNDR.