
We’re working with 15 communities in Uganda to ensure that development is informed by the perspectives of people most at risk.


Random household surveys


Civil society surveys


Local government surveys

Key findings and conclusions at the national level

  • Engagement of communities by the government in the assessment, planning, implementation and monitoring of resilience building plans and activities is limited
  • A lack of access to resources and information limits the ability of communities, especially women, to address disaster risks
  • There is a need to institutionalise disaster, climate and ecosystem degradation risks into developmental plans and activities

Surveys undertaken in Uganda

Our Views from the Frontline surveys in Uganda were undertaken in 2019.

Who was surveyed?

We surveyed 1,953 random households, 152 civil society organisations, 155 local government representatives, and undertook 76 community consultations.

Risk locations prioritised

We prioritised four risk areas:

  • Bugisu Sub-regions
  • Kabale District
  • Kasese District
  • Kampala District

Communities surveyed

We surveyed people from 15 communities: Namabasa Zone 4 Lower, Shikhuyu, Marobo, Namabasa Zone 4 Upper, Nfasha, Kigarama-Kahondo, Muyebe, Kijuguta, Bikone, Kinyuku, Kaghema Upper, Kaghema Lower, Bwaise II, Namwongo and Katanga.

“Service delivery here is very poor. The channels flood regularly and the trenches spill over into people’s settlements. Water channels are not built; the trenches are not protected from houses and people’s walkway.”

Community representative, Bwaise II

Our impact

Activities undertaken in response to community-level findings and conclusions

  • Mobilisation of communities on different livelihood opportunities for building their resilience and reducing vulnerability  to climate change and disaster risks, especially droughts
  • Community sensitisation meetings on the best agronomic practices to improve livelihoods
  • Improving water, sanitation and hygiene facilities at the local level
  • Ongoing advocacy and policy work to make the government accountable and ensure involvement of communities in DRR

Impact of activities

  • Community resilience strengthened with improved livelihoods, water and sanitation facilities, and environmental protection
  • Advocacy has led to the inclusion of communities in assessments, planning, implementation and the monitoring of risk reduction plans and activities at local level
  • Local authorities have a better understanding of risk and the consequences of disaster for communities, helping to increase the inclusion of community risks into local programmes and development plans

Flood reduction in Maziba Uganda

Maziba, a community in Uganda experienced floods, and landslides. Droughts, soil erosion and landslides are the greatest threats in this community. These have damaged crops & caused famine.

In the wake of perennial landslides in Maziba, Uganda that destroy school buildings and classrooms, the Africa Disaster Reduction Research & Emergency Missions, a Views from the Frontline partner, together with community stakeholders prioritised constructing drainage channels and planting trees to avoid the worst effects of the disasters. The stakeholders included the local community, the chairperson of the local government, the school administration, school children, parents, and the Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations.

Community members are now more prepared for a disaster unlike before. They have put in place barriers like water-holding channels and planted trees to stabilise their land, homesteads, and schools. Neighbouring communities have also learned about the landslide mitigation effort and the Nyanja community in Maziba is now a bench-marking case for disaster risk management.

Our project partners in Uganda

Our Views from the Frontline programme is implemented by GNDR member organisations and partners in the country.

National coordinating organisation

  • Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations

Partner organisations

  • Uganda Women for Water Sanitation
  • Africa Disaster Reduction Research & Emergency Missions
  • Foundation for Urban and Rural Advancement
  • Support Transformation Effort Program – UG

View all data from Uganda

You can view all our Views from the Frontline survey data using our data dashboard. You can also learn more about our methodology for selecting at-risk areas and survey respondents.

Project funded by

European Union

Our Views from the Frontline project is funded by the European Union (EU). Content related to this project on our website was made possible by the support of the EU. All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the EU.

View their website

Photo credit

Image by Beat Roth from Pixabay.