This resource is designed to be used alongside our Views from the Frontline data dashboard. The dashboard enables you to disaggregate the data and view responses for different respondents, particular groups of people and locations.

Views from the Frontline is the largest independent global review of disaster risk conducted entirely at the local level. The openly accessible data provides the results of interviews with over 100,000 community members, local authorities and civil society organisations in over 700 at-risk communities.

Presented in an easy to follow two-page format, this short resource gives a simple overview of how different aspects of the Views from the Frontline data can be used to report on progress in achieving the Sustainable Development goals.

For example, adopting national and local disaster risk reduction strategies is an indicator for target 1 of goal 13 on climate action. The data from our dashboard on disaster risk reduction strategies – and community awareness – at the local level can be used to monitor progress.

Data aimed at assessing the level of integration between disaster risk reduction, climate change, ecosystem conservation, and development in local policies and plans helps report on policy coherence, as required by target 14 of goal 17 on partnerships for the sustainable development goals.

Published in 2019, this resource is available in three languages:

Project funded by

European Union

Our Views from the Frontline project is funded by the European Union (EU). Content related to this project on our website was made possible by the support of the EU. All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the EU.

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